Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Technology and culture

Today I got my new mobile. It has a 1.3 mega pixel digital camera, connects to the tv for 3-d computer games, has karaoke systems that connect to the telly, does my washing, cooking and cleaning and is working a solution to third world poverty. And all for a large fee. But I'm a millionaire, so who cares (who said a millionaire in yen means nothing? Jealousy, that's all).

Buying the bloody thing was an epic. First they didn't have the one I wanted, and then it took an hour to complete paperwork and service options. Then we had to wait 30 minutes for them to process details. Then, finally, I could pay for my phone and we left. The best thing is the phone's instruction manual. It's really detailed, and is over 200 pages long. Only 6 of them are in English. Oops.

It has been a night of culture as well. There was a play at the town hall where I am currently working (teaching starts next week). We all helped to set up the stage equipment, and I asked what was going on. My supervisor explained and when I asked if he was going to the play, he said yeas, and said I could come too (which seemed to become 'you are coming too'). Apparently the actors are very famous in Japan.

It was a very good play, very sad. It was about a female goat with a white handbag who met a wolf dressed as a red indian from a 1970's drama series. They jumped about a lot and lay down a bit while a Worzel-Gummidge-a-like played keyboards and sang a song or two. I felt like a schizophrenic stroke sufferer until I remembered that they were speaking and singing in Japanese. At the end of it all, he ran off hollering and she lay on the floor with a spotlight on her. She then shouted again. Very cultural.


Anonymous said...

For anyone who has read Hokkido highway blues this is just as funny, thoroughly recommended. Keep it up Chis and get it published when you get back. - Juliette

Anonymous said...


Your phone does sound fabulous and I can see that you are very pleased with it but what kind of super high tech phone doesn't do text mesages! Bizarre!!

Raitch x