Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Gaijin hunt!

What do you do when you've arranged to meet visitors at your house at a certain time and they've got your house and car keys so you can't get in to wait for them?

You go to your Japanese friend's workplace, drink tea, laugh that you can't really get lost in such a small town and then have your Japanese friend decide to take decisive action- GAIJIN HUNT!

So for maybe 10 minutes Nao chan and I drove around Katsuyama at a snail's pace looking through all the shop windows for an obviously Swedish girl and a tall Australian with strawberry blonde hair. They weren't in the souvenir shops and they weren't at the castle ruins. They weren't in the light shop and the weren't in the brewery. They weren't enjoying the view on the bridges. For the 8th time I tried calling home and suddenly an answer. They'd just arrived back. So Nao chan and I headed back there, the visitors and I discussed plans, and together with Nao chan we headed to Kanba waterfalls, although by the time we got there dusk was almost over so we couldn't see much. We decided to take photos anyway and then headed off to Kuse's YouMe town (big supermarket with other smaller shops) where Jessica and Madeleine further demonstrated their Olympian shoping skills, and then on to Shot Casual Outlet (a clothes shop that sells lots of t-shirts with funny English on). And then back to Wakaba where we ate a similar feast the night before and I surprised nao chan by eating lots of salmon skin (crispy and yum). After a trip to Lawson's we headed home, heppy because it wasn't yet 10 pm, but at 1:15 I was suddenly heading for bed and Jessica and Madeleine were still sorting and tidying.

I wonder if they'll make it to Kurashiki today...


Anonymous said...

You let your visitors borrow your CAR!?! WOWsers... you're REALLY nice!!!! :-) Love those funny English tees! -b-

Chris C said...

Hell no!

I'm not that nice- my car keys are on the same bunch as my house keys, that's all!

See you soon!