Thursday, December 08, 2005

Blue skies, white snow. Katsuyama 5th December 2005. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your photos on the interent. I was on the JET program 1989-91 and still am in JET lag (now working in Tokyo for a Japanese fashion house); I was only 21 to 23 when on the program but, reflecting on it, I think the JET program was one of the better chapters in my so-called life. I enjoy reading abuot your life in Okayama; Gannbatte kudasai ne

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your photos on the interent. I was on the JET program 1989-91 and still am in JET lag (now working in Tokyo for a Japanese fashion house); I was only 21 to 23 when on the program but, reflecting on it, I think the JET program was one of the better chapters in my so-called life. I enjoy reading abuot your life in Okayama; Gannbatte kudasai ne

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your photos on the interent. I was on the JET program 1989-91 and still am in JET lag (now working in Tokyo for a Japanese fashion house); I was only 21 to 23 when on the program but, reflecting on it, I think the JET program was one of the better chapters in my so-called life. I enjoy reading abuot your life in Okayama; Gannbatte kudasai ne

Chris C said...

Sounds like you're having an interesting life right now! How did you get into that after JET? I'm currently trying to figure out "what next?"

Take care, and have a great Christmas and new year.