Saturday, April 29, 2006

Oh look! Cherry blossom!

Yes, more. One of the joys of living in the inaka is that the sakura really never seems to stop. You are placed in an ideal spot to enjoy 3 weeks of full-bloom (mankai) cherry blossom. It hits Okayama city one weekend, then Katsuyama the next and finally (in fact over a week later because they had SNOW again last week) it hits Shinjo, a famous village a half an hour uphill north of here. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Raychaa said...

You are a sakura ho, yo! But pretty pictures... hope you get away from Maniwa/Niimi soon for golden week. And you don't need to poll on why you have a bad cold-- haven't I explained this to you? Blame the commies. DUST FROM CHINA!! DUST FROM CHINA!! There is a 9man hospital bill of mine from last year that actually might have a diagnosis at last....