Friday, September 16, 2005

Cough step cough, cough step cough...

Above is a prediction of how the forthcoming weekend will be. This is the weekend we have been anticipating for a long time- a trip to climb mount Fuji. So we only climb the top half- that's the steep bit! Having avoided it last year having gone shopping with RayVon and Fiona in Osaka instead, I feel it is my duty to do it this year. Plus it sounds bloody good- "What did you do last weekend?", "oh, nothing much, just climbed the TALLEST MOUNTAIN IN JAPAN." But anyway, that's what the plan was. It's all a bit rocky right now (no pun intended). I was off work yesterday with a "heavy cold" (read: I went to bed coughing on Wednesday night, and spent time waking up coughing, and this has been going on for almost a week now- summer colds are rubbish). So now I'm wondering what to do. I had planned to start climbing a group at 9pm and get to the top to see the sun rise. I may still do this, as last night the coughing only started when I lay down, so if I don't lie down at all I should be fine. I think...

Anyway, time will tell.
The only other highlight of the week has been going to dinner with Nao chan (kaiten sushi again- mmm) and her giving me tonnes of omiyage from their trip to Hokkaido. They obviously know me well by now. Two of the boxes were chocolate, and one of them was a special combintaion- cheese, potato and chocolate. three of my favourite foods. Sounds odd but tasted great. Now if there was some tuna in there it would have been perfect.

Thank you Nao chan!


Anonymous said...

You poor thing! Take care! Are you really going to venture the beast not feeling 100%?? Hmmmm... Nao-chan's the best! :-)

Lewis said...

Good luck on Fuji! Take plenty of oxygen!