Tuesday, July 04, 2006

My, what unusual origami! Sorry, it's WHAT?

I came back from lunch one day recently to find this next to my desk. A vase with a sprig of unidentified tree and an apparent paper construction attached to it. The caretaker lady was very keen to show it to me.

Me: "Did you make it yourself? It's origami isn't it?"
Hatsumoto sensei: "No, no, it's from the garden."
Me: "Eh?"
Hatsumoto sensei: "It's a [insert unidentifiable Japanese words]"
Me: "Eh?"
Hatsumoto sensei (using gestures): "Susumebachi"
[Cue use of dictionary]
Me: "EEEEH?" (showing dictionary to Hatsumoto sensei)
Hatsumoto sensei: "Yes! Yes! There are larvae in it."
Me: "I'm scared!"
Vice Principal: "HA HA HA! The larvae are dead. Probably. HA HA HA!"
Me: "when you walk away..." [gestures violent smashing of said artefact]

And what is it? It's a bloody-bastard BEE HIVE. Next to my desk. The one thing that sent me running out of rooms as a child- spiders? Not a problem. Vicious dogs? Forget it. Bees and wasps? AAAARGH! Apparently the larvae have been sprayed with insecticide which doesn't appeal to the environmentalist part of me but does appeal to the OH-MY-GOD-THERE-ARE-BEES-ON-MY-DESK part of me. And it does, once again, make me marvel slightly at how the Japanese appreciate nature in their everyday lives.

ARGH! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

the englishman said...

have they swarmed yet?