Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Public relations.

No, this isn't going to be a double-entendre laden post about George Michael and the dirty old trucker. It is, instead, about the -ahem- "wonders" of nature...

"My what a attractively coloured dragon fly", I thought as I leaned closer in to look at the beautiful insect that had fluttered onto a leaf in front of me. Friday afternoon had been a bit boring, so this was a very welcome distraction. And for a few lovely, peaceful moments I was able to get close enough to have a good look at the creature before me.

Until it decided to get up close and personal with a yellow dragonfly that was hovering close by.

Now don't get me wrong, this isn't the first I've seen animals and insects having relations (not together of course- a dog and a wasp would only end in disaster, maybe a sting on the lipstick or a stripey doberman with a stubby stinger), but this was just bizarre. Appearing to go top-to-tail this rampant couple buzzed about erratically for a seemingly endless spell as I wandered what exactly to do with myself. If someone had approached me, what could I say- "Chris sensei, what are you doing?", "me? I'm just watching some insect sex." But it was too odd to walk away from.

And then it became even stranger.

As the couple parted, the yellow dragonfly started firing something (I assume eggs- it didn't look enough like a gangster to make me suspect anything else) into the water-filled drain beneath it. At which point I decided that nature was simply too weird and some things should only ever been seen on wildlife shows where they have an explanatory commentary.

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