Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Winter comes to London.

Finally, after what seemed like weeks and weeks of saying, "ooh, it's really warm today! How unexpected!", we finally found ourselves saying, "ooh, it's really, really cold today!" What makes this even stranger is that there was a huge sigh of relief as winter finally arrived, and we could put the prospect of a horribly warm and comfortable Christmas behind us. It also brought with it a traditional London fog, which untraditionally decided to spread itself across much of the country. Well, it's Christmas, and Christmas is a time for sharing.

With the return of Dhanusha and Megan from New York and Cannes respectively, we went out for a night on the tiles. And on the paving, and in a restaurant and a bar. It was very good, but as we left to make our way home, I was rather alarmed to notice that the Centrepoint building had faded away to leave its sign lingering, alone and lost in the mist.

And given that the lights shine so lovely in the misty moonlight, it seemed like a good time to do a review of the Christmas lights. So here you are, London lights 2006...

1 comment:

pallaver said...

Hey Chris!

First off, I'm now employed. I start my new job in Columbus, OH on Monday. I took that automotive engineering job after all, very exciting.

Secondly, just got all caught up on your blog. Your camera which I bought you still works? Mine for some reason won't charge anymore, I think the battery has lost it's life, or the spring-loaded contacts are not springy enough or need to be polished. Who knows.

So have bought a cell phone, looking into renting an apartment, one-way ticket flying there and buying a car, trying to make new friends and will have to, will be wearing a tie every day to work (although under a company required smock, the only inklings of the Japan unified uniform dress code). And in another 4-6 months could hopefully find myself back in Japan as a salary man for some on-site training at their Japan facilities. Wild, no more pseudo teacher respect but perhaps more craziness at enkais....???

All sounds well with you and sounds like you're running every day becoming a speedster! I've got to get back into the running/workout every day routine, xmas and new years ticket and relax time has been punched.

Later :) pallaver