Saturday, December 30, 2006

Brighton Crock

a.k.a. Megan and Chris' Romantic Day Out In Brighton...


After the excitement of family Christmases, we went hell for leather to make the run up to New Year's at least as memorable. Terese and I had already had the idea of going to the Tate Modern to whizz down the water-free tubes on the 27th, and were pleased when Eugene and megan came along too. While we waited in the pub for our tube-sliding time slot to arrive, Megan suggested a trip to Brighton. Now, I'd never been to Brighton before and strangely became very enthusiastic. I can't think why. So, on the Friday morning we were off at the crack of 11am, armed with swimming costumes and serious attitude. And after spending about 2 hours stuck in traffic, we finally arrived.


Unfortunately the bad weather hadn't left. In the rain Brighton looked a lot like Blackpool. This is not good. We pushed through the crowds of shoppers, wandered through the Royal Pavillion (above) and finally hit the pier and the pebbly beach.

The pier was filled with the usual rickety fun-fair rides, slot machines, snack bars and arcades. Given the rain was spoiling all our fun, we had to make do here, and managed to spend about £10 pounds each catching teddies, trying to follow dance routines, shooting zombies and hammering guinea pigs back into their holes. Megan was particularly proficient at this and in the space of 60 seconds had accumulated her own slightly scared-looking fan club.


Once we'd reached our peak with the indoor entertainment, we wandered to the end of the pier and back down to the beach, Megan enjoying the sea air, and me complaining about the salty smell and wondering where the gays had gone. And we briefly considered swimming in the cold rain. We only considered it briefly as we realised it would be rather silly, after all, there was nowhere to put our bags.

After a quick wander around the nicer shops and the bits of Brighton that made it much less like Blackpool we decided all that was left to us would be to go home. Via Sainsbury's where we stocked up on chocolate and cookies and fizzy cola to help our evening go with a caffeine buzz.

The only way to end our romantic day out was to watch a beautiful, gentle, romantic comedy. So we watched a film about young lovers who follow their hearts and dreams to try and change the world for the better. Heathers is truly an inspiration...

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