Friday, December 22, 2006

Up the lady garden path...

Yesterday morning saw a potentially embarrassing situation as my Ma embarked on a rather risque course of conversation at 9:45am. We were watching 'Less Than Perfect' on ABC1 when the adverts came on. Amongst the adverts was the one for LaCoste pour homme (where someone whispers "style on skin" repeatedly and a rather dishy man wanders, naked, around his flat. I think it was the first time my Ma had seen this advert.

"Did you see that? A naked man on tv at this time of the morning! They showed his bottom!", she exclaimed.
"I would choose that moment to look at the newspaper", I replied, pretending to never have seen said advert and dishy man's bottom before. And then Ma displayed a rare moment of feminist anger: "well, they'll only show a man's bottom but they'll happily show a lady's front bits".
"There's not really much to see"
"I don't think that's true."

This caused me a problem. How to express my point without being vulgar.
"Well, Ma, a woman's Lady Garden is often obscured by dense foliage."

End of conversation.

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